Toys Make the Child....
On Torah, Israel, History and Anything Else that seems Relevant.
Haaretz just had a flash:
Referring to PM`s intention to fire ministers who vote against budget, Poraz says he will no longer be interior minister.
Shinui is opposing transferring funds to the Haredim in return for their support of the budget. Now, I am no fan of the Haredim. I deeply resent their draft-dodging. I think that people should word for a living and learn Torah as well. (So you sleep a little less). I think that they do an incredible job making Judaism unpalatable.
Nevertheless, if getting rid of Poruz as Interior Minister, the man who styles himself as a Jewish Anti-semite, it's well worth the price. Bye Bye, Avraham Poruz! Good Riddance.
Alison Sommer Kaplan has a great post with appropriate words of departure for Arafat (may his bones be ground to dust). It's entitled: He's Still Dead: All Arafat, All the Time. The best quote she has there is from Lairs:
"If Arafat died of AIDS, my opinion of AIDS has greatly improved."
'Nuff Said.
If one ever needed proof of the health of American instincts. get a load of this. It appeared on FoxNews (the only network to admit that Arafat was a murderer).
CBS Apologizes for Breaking With Arafat News
Thursday, November 11, 2004
NEW YORK — CBS apologized Thursday for breaking into its prime-time drama "CSI: NY" for a special report on Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's death, blaming an "overly aggressive" producer. The 10:55 p.m. EST report on Wednesday cut off the ending of the popular forensics drama, prompting a cascade of viewer complaints. The network said the "CSI: NY" episode would be repeated in its entirety 10 p.m. EST Friday. The report came just five minutes before local news broadcasts in the East and Midwest. ABC and NBC waited until the local news to break the story; in the West, NBC ran a "crawl" with the news at the bottom of the screen.
"An overly aggressive CBS News producer jumped the gun with a report that should have been offered to local stations for their late news," the network said in a statement. "We sincerely regret the error."
At least the average American has his priorities straight. CSI is clearly more valuable than Arafat.
There is a rule in Israel that one doesn't take bereaved family members to task for mean and/or stupid things that they might say. It's a holdover, I think, from giving a lot of leeway to Holocaust survivors for, what might be taken as, inappropriate behavior. The idea is that if you'd been through that, you might not be 100% either.
The approach has merits, especially in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack or of a young soldier's death. However, there are some who 'lose it' permanently and harm the rest of us as a result. Such a one is Yitzhak Frankental. His step-son was kidnapped and murdered by members of Hamas, early on in the Oslo Peace. Ever since he's made hay about how evil the Israelis are and how wonderful are the peaceloving Palestinians. Nothing can shake the man's conviction that when Jews are murdered, it's their own damn fault. If we only: withdrew from Judaea and Samaria, gave the Arabs Jerusalem, resettled the refugees...there would be peace.The man is a blithering idiot, who robotically lives in a world of slogans.
He is, however, a rarity. He's religious and uses that fact to get on the radio and TV. Now, guess what? He's going to Yasser (Yimch Shemo's) funeral! As Maariv reports:
Frenkental, whose son was murdered in 1994 while serving in the IDF, told NRG Maariv, “I asked to take part in Arafat’s funeral because I think it would contribute to an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue and express empathy towards the Palestinian people”.
“Arafat is no longer alive and the gesture is towards the Palestinian people. I am sure many Israelis sympathize with the Palestinians today. I met Arafat many times and saw in him a man who wanted to reach a long-lasting peace. But again, I say, there was no partner on the Israeli side”, he added.
Please. Get thee to a psychiatrist. Free yourself of Stockholm Syndrome! Join the PA and move to Ramallah with Moshe Hirsch and the Neture Karta. But Go Away! Thousands of Jewish men women and children who were murdered in cold blood by this two-legged animal and his henchmen cry out: 'ENOUGH! SHUT UP!'
Well, here's something to enhance the joy over the imminent departure of Arafat. There are clear signs he has AIDS. Yup, Suha's hubby was close to his bodyguards in more ways than one. That's what World Net Daily reported, based on a report by National Review columnist, David From:
Speaking of media bias, here’s a question you won’t hear in our big papers or on network TV: Does Yasser Arafat have AIDS?
We know he has a blood disease that is depressing his immune system. We know that he has suddenly dropped considerable weight – possibly as much as 1/3 of all his body weight. We know that he is suffering intermittent mental dysfunction. What does this sound like?
Former Romanian intelligence chief Ion Pacepa tells in his very interesting memoirs that the Ceaucescu regime taped Arafat’s orgies with his body guards. If true, Arafat would a great deal to conceal from his people and his murderously anti-homosexual supporters in the Islamic world.
Before airlifting Arafat to Paris, French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier promised to “stand by” him. Was that why Arafat chose to be treated in France rather in any of the fraternal Arab countries that supposedly support his movement – because he could trust the French to protect his intimate secrets?
I tell you, if there's anything that will not only kill him but kill his reputation among Arabs, that's it. Way to go Yasser! Straight to Arab Hell.